

Seznam děl umělce Giacometti Alberto

1901 Narození Alberta Giacomettiho 10. října v Borgonovu, vesničce nedaleko Stampy v italském Švýcarsku. Jeho otec, Giovanni Giacometti, byl uznávaným impresionistickým malířem. 1902 Narození bratra Diega. 1904 Narození sestry Ottilie. 1907 Naroz
Narození Alberta Giacomettiho 10. října v Borgonovu, vesničce nedaleko Stampy v italském Švýcarsku. Jeho otec, Giovanni Giacometti, byl uznávaným impresionistickým malířem.
Narození bratra Diega.
Narození sestry Ottilie.
Narození bratra Bruna, budoucího architekta.
Alberto kreslí a maluje portréty rodiny a pohledy na Stampu.Vytváří své první Zátiší s jablky a první sochu, Portrét Diega.
Studuje dílo Ferdinanda Hodlera, Cézanna a Gauguina. Pracuje po boku svého otce ve Stampě. Zapisuje se na Akademii výtvarných umění v Ženevě, kterou brzy opouští a vstupuje na umělecko-průmyslovou školu, obor sochařství.
Na jaře 1920 odjíždí s otcem do Benátek. Zajímá se o Tintoretta, Belliniho a o mozaiky ve Svatém Marku, obdivuje Cézannova plátna a sochy Archipenkovy na Benátském Bienále. Je unesen Giottovými freskami v Padově, obdivuje egyptské sbírky ve Vatikánu. Na jaře 1901 objevuje Pompeje.
Přijíždí do Paříže, zapisuje se na akademii Grande Chaumiere do Bourdellova sochařského ateliéru. Zůstane zde pět let. Navštěvuje muzea, hlavně Louvre.
1925 -1927
Najímá si první ateliér v ulici Froidevaux. V roce 1927 se usazuje v ateliéru v ulici Hippolyte Maindron, který už neopustí. Podléhá vlivu Laurense, Lipchitze a Brancusiho, afrického umění a kykládských soch. Opouští od figurální kompozice a vytváří sochy objekty. Vyzván Bourdellem k účasti na Salónu des Tuileries.
1928 - 1929
Vytváří Hledící hlavu, první ze série plochých soch. Přátelí se s Massonem, Leirisem, Tériadem, Miróem, Ernstem a s mnoha spisovateli a umělci, hlásícími se k surrealismu. Účastní se výstavy v galerii Bernheim. Vytváří Ležící ženu a Apollona.
S bratrem Diegem vytváří dekorativní a užitkové předměty pro dekoratéra J. M. Franka. Setkání s Aragonem, Bretonem a Dalím. Připojuje se k surrealistické skupině a podílí se na její činnosti. Vytváří onirické a erotické sochy.
První samostatná výstava v galerii Pierre Colle v Paříži. Účastní se výstavy "Poésie 32" v Praze. 24. ledna umírá jeho otec.
Vrací se k práci podle přírody. První samostatná výstava v New Yorku v galerii Julien Levy. Vytváří Neviditelný objekt. V prosinci 1924 je vyloučen ze surrealistické skupiny, ale je uváděn na všech jejich významných výstavách.
Začíná pracovat s modelem. Po dobu pěti let mu každé ráno pózuje bratr Diego. Pracuje na portrétech s modelkami Ritou Stoppanni a Isabellou Delmer. Umírá sestra Ottilia. Roku 1939 se seznamuje s Jean-Paul Sartrem a Simone de Beauvoir.
Přestává pracovat s modelem, a začíná znovu a znovu zpaměti ženský akt, který se postupně redukuje, až úplně zmizí. Setkává se s Picassem.
Německé úřady mu odmítají vízum do Paříže. Až do roku 1945 žije v Ženevě. Seznamuje se s Annette Arme, která se o šest let později stane jeho ženou. Spolupracuje se Skirovou revuí Labyrinthe.
Vrací se do Paříže, kde se Diegovi podařilo udržet jeho ateliér. Pracuje na aktech a hlavách, rozhodnut je nezmenšovat; sochy se však ztenčují proti jeho vůli. Znovu maluje podle přírody, především portréty.
Samostatná výstava v New Yorku, v galerii Pierra Matisse. Významná esej Jean-Paul Sartra v katalogu La Recherche de l'Absolu, kde je Giacometti nazván existencionalistou.
Společná výstava s Massonem v Kunsthalle v Bazileji. Pozván na Benátské Bienále. Druhá výstava v New Yorku v galerii Pierra Matisse je korunována úspěchem.
První výstava v galerii Maeght v Paříži.
Velmi plodné období jak v malířství, tak v sochařství. Souborné výstavy v Londýně (Arts Council of Great Britain), v New Yorku (Guggenheim Museum, 1955), v Bernu (Kunsthalle, 1956), ve francouzském pavilónu na Benátském Bienále. Vystavuje deset velkých ženských aktů. Setkání s japonským filozofem Yanaiharou, jenž se mu stane modelem. Výstavy v Curychu (Kunstmuseum, 1962), v Bazileji (galerie Beyeler, 1963), v Londýně (Tate Gallery), v New Yorku (Museum of Modern Art), v Humlebaeku (Louisiana Museum, 1965). Jean Genet píše esej do katalogu výstavy v galerii Maeght.
Návrh na Chase Manhattan Bank Plaza v New Yorku. Nerealizováno. Studie k sochám Kráčející muž, Stojící žena, Hlava na soklu, díla, která později realizuje v mnoha verzích ve velkém měřítku.
Obdrží velkou cenu Carnegie v Pittsburghu, velkou cenu sochařství na Bienále v Benátkách. Významná výstava v Kunsthaus v Curychu.
Guggenheimova Velká mezinárodní cena v malířství a Velká národní umělecká cena Francie. Tři souborné výstavy v Londýně, New Yorku a Kodani. Umírá jeho matka ve věku 93 let. Pracuje na litografiích a textech pro publikaci Paris sans fin, vydanou Tériadem.
Hospitalizován v prosinci 1965 v kantonální nemocnici v Coire, kde 11. ledna umírá. Pohřben na hřbitově Borgonovo. Založení nadace Alberta Giacomettiho. In:

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b. 1901, Borgonovo, Switzerland; d. 1966, Chur, Switzerland
Alberto Giacometti was born October 10, 1901, in Borgonovo, Switzerland, and grew up in the nearby town of Stampa. His father, Giovanni, was a Post-Impressionist painter. From 1919 to 1920, he studied painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and sculpture and drawing at the Ecole des Arts et Métiers in Geneva. In 1920, he traveled to Italy, where he was impressed by the works of Alexander Archipenko and Paul Cézanne at the Venice Biennale. He was also deeply affected by African and Egyptian art and by the masterpieces of Giotto and Tintoretto. In 1922, Giacometti settled in Paris, making frequent visits to Stampa, and occasionally attended Antoine Bourdelle’s sculpture classes.

In 1927, the artist moved into a studio with his brother, Diego, his lifelong companion and assistant, and exhibited his sculpture for the first time at the Salon des Tuileries, Paris. His first show in Switzerland, shared with his father, was held at the Galerie Aktuaryus, Zurich, in 1927. The following year, Giacometti met André Masson, and by 1930 he was a participant in the Surrealist circle until 1934. His first solo show took place in 1932 at the Galerie Pierre Colle, Paris. In 1934, his first American solo exhibition opened at the Julien Levy Gallery, New York. During the early 1940s, he became friends with Simone de Beauvoir, Pablo Picasso, and Jean-Paul Sartre. From 1942, Giacometti lived in Geneva, where he associated with the publisher Albert Skira.

He returned to Paris in 1946. In 1948, he was given a solo show at the Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. The artist’s friendship with Samuel Beckett began around 1951. In 1955, he was honored with retrospectives at the Arts Council Gallery, London, and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. He received the Sculpture Prize at the 1961 Carnegie International in Pittsburgh and the Grand Prize for Sculpture at the 1962 Venice Biennale, where he was given his own exhibition area. In 1965, Giacometti exhibitions were organized by the Tate Gallery, London, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, Denmark, and the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. That same year, he was awarded the Grand Prix National des Arts by the French government. Giacometti died January 11, 1966, in Chur.

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Alberto Giacometti was born in 1901 in Stampa, Switzeland, son of Giovanni Giacometti, a well-know Swiss Impressionist painter. In 1922, Alberto Giacometti moved to Paris and became one of the André Breton 's Surrealist group. He also met Pierre Matisse, son of the artist, who has to become his dealer in the states. In 1929, the Jeanne Bucher Gallery showed his work, and he got in touch with Jean Cocteau and André Masson. Michel Leiris wrote the first article on Giacometti's work for the "Documents review", also in 1929. Giacometti entered a very productive period ; he met Man Ray, Jean Michel Franck and Salvador Dali and took on his brother Diego as assistant. In 1935, Giacometti illustrated Crevel's "Les pieds dans le plat" with an etching, his only surrealist book with Breton's "L'air de l'eau". In 1934 he was expelled from the surrealists for having made portraits ; he then went into a spell of self-questioning and lonelyness, and destroyed a lot of his works.
During the war, Giacometti retired to Switzerland, living in a small hotel room ; he met Albert Skira the publisher, and Annette, his future wife and favorite model. Back in Paris in 1945, Giacometti feverishly resumed his painting, drawing, prints and sculpture ; of the latter Jean Genet wrote : "Some of the Giacometti's statues (...) seem to come forward and move back, while in a state of aloof stillness ; when my scritiny tries to take them (...) they recede into a distance." Giacometti showed at Pierre Matisse's Gallery in New York in 1947, with a catalogue by Jean Paul Sartre, and this led to regular shows at the Maeght Gallery in Paris as from 1951. He had attained recognition, and large exhibitions were held in France, England and Germany ; in 1956, he took part in the Venice Biennale. Giacometti become a highly-rated and much sougth-after artist, but chose to go on living miserably in his tiny, incomfortable studio. He produced numerous prints, both lithographs and etchings, and illustrated the works of major poets ("Sentences sans paroles" d'Illiazd, with an original etching), he print also for collective books ("Paroles Peintes" with original etchings from Alechinsky, Vieira da Silva, Lam etc., "Un poème dans chaque livre", illustrated with 16 engravings, with Giacometti : Chagall, Braque, Miro, Masson etc. Between 1957 and 1962, he made 150 lithographs for "Paris sans fin". In 1965, Giacometti was awarded The National Prize for Arts ; the same year, a retrospective show of his work was held in London, Copenhagen and New York. But he was a sick man and died of cancer in 1966 in Coire, having all his life totally neglected his health. The first big Giacometti retrospective exhibition in France showing paintings, drawings, sculptures and prints was held at the Orangerie des Tuileries in Paris in 1969. In:

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1901 Born in the village of Borgovono, near Stampa in Switzerland.
1919 - 1920 Studies at les Beaux-Arts and the school of Arts et Metiers in Geneva.
1922 - 1924 Alberto comes to Paris and settles in a workshop, Rue Hippolyte Maindron.
1927 His brother Diego comes to join him.
1929 Contract with Pierre LOEB. Alberto and Diego work with Jean-Michel FRANK, they create decorative furniture elements for him.
1930 - 1932 Beginning of the surrealist period (“objet invisible” in 1934).
1935 - 1947 Back to the human model. Alberto decides to stop showing his work.
1948 Exhibition in Pierre Matisse’s gallery in New-York.
1951 First exhibition at gallery Maeght who becomes his dealer.
1962 Prize at La Biennale de Venise.
1965 Retrospective of his work in London, New-York and Copenhagen.
1966 Alberto dies in the Hospital of Coire.

Giacometti, Alberto (1901-1966), Swiss sculptor and painter, born in Stampa. After a period of study in Geneva and Rome, Giacometti settled in Paris in 1922. He established himself as one of the leading Surrealist sculptors of the 1930s with work that showed a great deal of wit and imagination. Perhaps the most outstanding of his Surrealist pieces is The Palace at 4 AM (1932-1933, Museum of Modern Art, New York), an architectonic skeleton holding suspended figures and objects that expresses the subjectivity and the fragility of the human sense of time and space. In 1948 Giacometti exhibited his works after a 12-year lapse, during which he experimented in sculpture and painting. From his experiments Giacometti evolved a distinctive style of highly expressive, attenuated figures. Infused with a pervasive melancholy, both his paintings and sculptures convey a sense of tenuous existence, as though the figures were constantly threatened with obliteration by the surrounding space. In such paintings as The Artist's Mother (1950, Museum of Modern Art), the seated figure seems about to disappear in the web of lines and strokes that delineates the sitting room and its faintly ominous furnishings.

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Alberto Giacometti, born October 10, 1901 in Borgonovo (Stampa) in the Val Bregaglia (in the Grisons county, Switzerland), died January 11, 1966 in Coire (Switzerland), was a sculptor and painter.

His father, Giovanni Giacometti, himself a painter, encouraged Giacometti to take an interest in sculpture. At the end of his obligatory schooling, Alberto left to study at l'École des Beaux-Arts de Genève before arriving in Paris January 9, 1922. He frequented the workshop of Antoine Bourdelle at l’Académie de la Grande Chaumière in Montparnasse. Here he discovered cubism, African art, and Greek statuary.

In April 1927, he moved with his brother, Diego Giacometti, to rue Hippolyte-Maindron (14th arrondissement) in « la caverne-atelier » ("the cave-workshop"), which they would thereafter never leave. The same year, Alberto exposed his first works at the Salon des Tuileries.

His first personal exposition at the Maeght Gallery in 1951 included, like those following the publication of a Derrière Le Miroir, original lithographs.

Giacometti's lithographs are pure line drawings executed in black on lithograph paper. In his lithographs, we find familiar subjects or insistances to which we are accustomed in his painting and sculpture work: the same figures, the same streets, the same workshops cluttered with sculptures, stools, and paintings. His quick, nervous, repetitive lines do not outline or define the forms, but seem to expose beings and objets bathed in light, as well as the space that they create.

If the conditions of the process, notably the impossibility to erase or to change the line, give lithographs a finesse and subtlety similar to that of lead drawings, they acquire as well a frankness and spontaneity that allows the viewer, in some sense, to witness the birth, the emergence of his hallucinating design.

His engravings from 1955 are similarly auxiliary to his drawing, yet in this domain, the rigid demands of the process give particular character to his compositions. Alberto Giacometti, little-worried by the complex techniques, the "cuisine" of engraving, gladly abandoned the normal series of operations, from the etching of the metal to the edition of prints. He engraved directly on the copper varnish as he would with a quill on a sheet of paper.

In his engravings, Alberto Giacometti invites us into his workshop, shares with us his research, the progress of his painted and sculptural work. In the cluttering of busts in his workshop, one notices the paintings, posed against the wall, sculptures either finished or in progress.

"Never will I be able to put in a portrait all the force that there is in a head," he wrote. While Alberto Giacometti creates the portraits, he allows us to create the environment, like in the wonderful portrait Mère (Mother) in which he only represents the face. Our imagination constructs around that face. By contrast, in Buste d’homme, Tête d’homme and Buste II, he highlights the features of the face and places them in an environment to create the frame. Le Chien and Tête de Chat seem to respond through the workshop to L'Homme qui marche, the man who walks tirelessly through pictorial time. In his engraving work, Giacometti established several of his sculpted or painted masterpieces in the middle of the everyday object: L’Atelier aux deux seaux (The Workshop of Two Buckets), Les Deux tabourets (The Two Stools), le poêle (The Stove), une sellette (A Stool)… Alberto Giacometti insisted, "There is no longer anything that interests me but reality and I know that I could spend the rest of my life copying a chair."
In: MS Encarta


Foto 2 Alberto GiacomettiFoto 3 Alberto GiacomettiFoto 4 Alberto Giacometti

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